Parent Resources


FEMM Class.

Research shows that when teens understand their fertility, they are less likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors (1). Sign yourself or your teen (or both of you!) up for a virtual FEMM class.


Real Essentials Curriculum by the Center for Relationship Education

Other Resources:

Fight the New Drug

Fight the New Drug is dedicated to spreading awareness and educating about the dangers of pornography.


Stop CSE or Stop Comprehensive Sexuality Education, was designed to warn parents and policy makers about the harmful and inappropriate sex education that many schools are teaching.


We Ascend aims to empower youth to make informed choices regarding sexual activity. They promote Sexual Risk Avoidance programs and offer SRA certifications. Their resource page includes research proving the effectiveness of SRA.

Video Resources:

Ascension Presents

Ascension Presents feature speakers like Fr. Mike Schmitz and Jackie and Bobby Angel who speak into subjects like modesty for today, avoiding temptation, and how far is too far? Funny and relatable, your teens are sure to connect!


Raising Pure Teens

How to Find Your Soulmate without Losing Your Soul